Thursday, November 5, 2009

Movie Speak

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conversation of two RMs who decide to speak in the language they learned on their mission...which you don't know? You feel a little confused and awkward, and maybe you wonder how to participate in the conversation or if you should just stand there. This used to happen to me all the time when we spent time with my husband's family, except for they're all speaking in English! I'll call it "movie speak" and it happens when they have a whole conversation based upon lines from various movies. I used to be so confused when all of a sudden their conversation wouldn't make sense according to the context and then they would burst out laughing due to the movie lines. Have you ever been victim to this? For a while I tried to get them to swing the conversation back towards normal speech, but then, when that didn't quite work, I decided "if you can't beat them, join them," and I now pay great attention to each movie I watch--scouring them for potential comebacks. :)

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