Monday, December 7, 2009

The Blind Side

Over Thanksgiving, we went to see this movie. It was really, really good! I appreciated such a positive, feel-good movie, especially around this time of year. It really makes me feel like reaching out and helping those in need. What makes it even better is that it is a true story! We need more movies like this that portray good themes and celebrate good people. :)


  1. I want to watch this movie so bad!!! It'll probably be my after finals movie to celebrate being done! :D Thanks for a positive review and a good heads up to expect something good!
    P.S. I totally agree we need more inspirational and quality movies.

  2. I have heard such great things about it too-can't wait to see it!

  3. I really hope that I can convince my family to go see it with me when I'm home. :-)
